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Transfer -And Traverse


 Transfer Carts And  Traverse

Transfer carts move loads of all types at ground level, for all industries and a huge variety of applications.These heavy-duty modular transfer carts are available in a wide range of capacities and dimensions to suit any requirement. They are equipped with all the safety devices needed for ground-level machinery movement.They are an important complement to cranes lifting heavy loads at ground level and the ideal solution for cargo transfer between ships. There are two main types of transfer carts, according to movement type:

- Steerable transfer carts: These move in any direction. Available in battery powered version.
- Transfer carts on rails: These move in a straight line. Available in battery-powered or electric versions, with movement via a winder or power line.Transfer carts are movable platforms used for the horizontal movement of materials, assemblies and other items. Originally designed for load transfer between overhead crane bays, transfer carts are now used to carry loads along assembly lines, even as a stable movable machine base.Compact in design, carts can handle upwards of 60 ton and work well in areas with limited floor space. For smaller loads,manual carts can be dedicated to specific work place activities such as shuttling material. This often makes the cart more available for use. Transfer carts are more accommodating for moving long loads through restrictive passage ways or doorways . For heavier loads, transfer carts can offer flexibility as they can be customized to suit specific needs.

Transfer carts can reduce labor costs, optimize manufacturing processes and reduce capital costs associated with forklift systems. The end result can be increased production and throughput.

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