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Domestic AGV logistics warehousing robot manufacturers


 It is undeniable that with the help of capital and policy, the domestic AGV robot industry entered a stage of rapid growth in 2016. Domestic AGV logistics warehousing robot manufacturers must formulate realistic strategies according to their own conditions, adhere to the survival of the first, and develop core competitiveness.

  First, the standard is first. The entire AGV robot field is expected to achieve standard unification in the hardware and software fields. At present, each platform self-built barriers, hardware independence is not matched, software development is also fragmented, which causes important resource waste and development difficulty, leading to the industry. The marginal cost of industrial chain coordination is high, which restricts the development of industrial ecology. Even if there are no conditions for determining the AGV industry standards, certain specifications are still necessary.
electric transfer carts
  The second is to attach importance to independent development. Polish the products, do the corresponding technical accumulation, and have their own core technology. Attention should be paid to innovation in forward-looking technology, not just innovation in business models.

  The third is to focus on the market. Domestic enterprises should make great efforts to meet market demand, and based on their own innovation and efforts; use all effective resources to guide the development of new applications, new markets, find a position in the industry ecosystem; through external market expansion, branding To establish a competitive brand with market influence and industry chain appeal, and to achieve its own value in the new industry ecosystem, in order to achieve sustainable development.

  In the noisy world of robots, focus is the  practice; on the rise, the quick success, the screaming; the clear goal, the ultimate goal, that is the true skill.

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