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What are the hazards to the cable carrying capacity of the cable reel transfer trolley cable line?


What are the hazards to the cable carrying capacity of the cable reel transfer trolley cable line?

There are many factors that affect the current carrying capacity of cable reel transfer trolley cables, such as the operating frequency, the type of current, the frequency, the cable structure, and the cable layout on the reel. The maximum operating temperature, operating temperature and heat pipe cooling standard of the main magnetic core. Therefore, in our inspection of these factors, we have fully considered the cable current carrying capacity of the cable and considered the effective life of the cable insulation under the standard in special work.
When the specific application standard is inconsistent with the test standard, the effect should be carried out to take into account the harm caused by the differences between each other. Therefore, when choosing cable specifications, two problems should be considered: first, how to clearly determine the amount of current in the specific work of the cable, and secondly, determine the key positive index that jeopardizes the current carrying capacity.
In small and medium-sized cable reel transfer carriage, each manufacturer uses a narrow reel, which is about six times the total width of the cable. Under such circumstances, if there is a sufficient distance between the cable holder and the spool shaft, there is no need to apply cable layout equipment, and the surface of the reel is guided correctly by a spiral lining.

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